Waterford HillsFrom Trackpedia
Track SummaryWeb site: http://www.waterfordhills.com/ Questions forum: Driving Waterford Hills forum Address: 4770 Waterford Rd, Clarkston, MI 48346 Upcoming EventsMyTrackSchedule.com Waterford Hills Track Schedule
Local HotelsSupport Trackpedia by booking your hotel at the following links! Track MapWeather Forecast• Current Conditions: Mostly Cloudy in Clarkston, MI (as of 9:53 PM 9/19/2014) Current conditions (as of 9:53 PM) • Forecast for Friday, September 19, 2014 for Clarkston, MI Today: Mostly Sunny. More information at MSN Weather IntroductionWaterford Hills is a 1.5 mile road race course with 12 turns and numerous elevation changes located on the grounds of the Oakland County Sportsmen's Club in Clarkston, MI. A challenge for drivers, it is also a spectator's delight with near full course viewing. It has a weekend-long club racing program with 6 weekends during the late spring and summer. Track GuideThe following sections describe the turns or series of turns on the race track in a step by step detail from various people who have driven the track: Turn by turn guide to the Waterford Hills track Motorcycle turn by turn guide to the Waterford Hills track GPS Track Map and Vehicle DynamicsComing soon Typical Lap Times
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