Turn by turn guide to the Summit Point Raceway track

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Track Map


Turn 1

From pit-out stay right and check your mirrors. Move left when it's clear. Check the F&C at the tub near turn 1. Set up near the center of the track, right tires on the centerline. Angle toward the left corner of the concrete patch. The goal is to have the left front tire on the left corner of that concrete patch at turn in. There are white lines painted on the pavement for brake markers every 100' starting at 500'. Track out left onto the access road. Take care not to fall in the hole at the edge of access road and the track. Hold your line and you will return to the right side of the track. Check the F&C at turn 3, then check the mirrors and point anyone by.

Turn 2

Turn 2 is simply part of the increasing radius Turn 1. Corner station 2 is located at the inside of the track (drivers right) at the exit of Turn 1.

Turn 3

At the end of the extra pavement on the right brake for turn 3. Look over at the apex of three and turn in at the edge of the access road. A late turn-in here is best. Apex on the curb at the left near the far end. Track all the way out onto the right hand curb. Cross over to the left.

Turn 4

Turn 4 is taken pretty much flat out in small bore cars and anything with downforce. Check the F&C at 5 before turning in as the corner is blind and spins are pretty common in there. There aren't any good references for the turn in point for 4 so I use the mark painted on the road. Once you've made the turn in at 4 stay on the gas. Clip the apex at 4 but don't get too high up on the curb. Track out as far left as possible without ending up in the dirt. After the car settles, brake hard and shift down.

Turn 5

Place the right front tire on right corner of the concrete patch and turn in. There's no real need to get up on the curb on the left here. Track out only to a point near the center of the road. Cross over to the left and squeeze the brake.

Turn 6

As you come off the brake, turn in right for 6a. Apex late well up on the curb. As you apply the power the car will drift left all the way out to the outside curb. The car will come back around to the apex of 6b without any additional steering input.

Turn 7

Once the car settles, shift up if necessary and turn in left for turn 7. There's no need go deep into 7 at all. This is a good place to check the F&C at 8. Clip the curb on the left and you will be on a straight line for the turn-in of 8.

Turn 8

Turn in right for 8 at the paint mark. Apex a little late and track out all the way left. Use the rumble strip. Once the car settles, check the mirrors. If it's clear drift out a little right to go under the middle of the bridge, which will put you right on the line to the turn-in for 10. If it's not, point them by. If you didn't shift up coming out of 6 you will need to shift up here.

Turn 9

There is no Turn 9. Corner Station 9 is located at the track out of Turn 8 on the outside (drivers left).

Turn 10

Squeeze the brake at the first dip in the pavement. Be sure to come off it smoothly. The turn-in for 10 is at the next dip. Clip the apex about the center of the right curb and track out to the rumble strip on the left. I don't use the concrete rumble strip on the other side of it though some people routinely do.

Check mirrors at track-out. If there is anyone there point them by. Shift up if needed. Check F&C at pit-out.