Turn by turn guide to the Lowe's Motor Speedway track

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Track Map


Turn 1

The road course starts just past the start/finish line, where a roughly 90* turn crosses pit lane into the infield. Start your braking in the top lane somewhere near start/finish and begin your turn right before the outside wall starts to turn. At the apex, there is no curb and the white line is not at the edge of the track. Make sure you run all the way down to the grass. At track out, you are splitting a gap in pit wall, so you track out is as close as you dare get to that wall.

-Michael Skeen

Turn 2

T2 is a banked corner surrounded on both sides by cement walls. You can put a couple wheels on the apron to cut the corner some. Apex late enough that you do not track out past the center of the track because you need to be full track left for T3.

-Michael Skeen

Turn 3

Another banked corner that now has tons of pavement to the inside of the track that would allow you to cut the corner. Do not be tempted to do this, because you need to get to the left side of the track for T4. You just need a light brush of the brake on entry and then maintenance throttle through the corner. At track out, straighten up and start braking at the bumps from the access road to the left.

-Michael Skeen

Turn 4

This is a tighter radius corner that leads onto the infield back straight. If your group allows it, you can cut this corner significantly. The corner is banked, but running down onto the apron is still an advantage because you are going downhill to a compression at the apex. I run one full lane inside of the old apex (white line). There is no track out curbing and there is usually a significant drop off the pavement, so keep it on the track.

-Michael Skeen

Turn 5

This is a quick right kink into a short brake zone. You will lift and maybe brush the brakes, go back to maintenance throttle briefly, and then be braking for T6. Simply run the shortest distance you can.

-Michael Skeen

Turn 6

It's hard to get 100% straight for the brake zone, but it's close. Brake towards the left side of the road, trailbrake slightly and get all the way down to the apex (careful, there is no curbing). Just after the apex, there is a yellow painted square you should run over with your right tires and you should track out just past center, putting your right tires on the centerline at the crest of the hill.

-Michael Skeen

Turn 7

Turn in from the center of the track with just a slight lift off the throttle. The apex is quite late in the corner, after the point at which your nose is aimed at the scoring tower. This is a crucial corner because you should be flat on the power all the way to NASCAR Turn 3, and maybe all the way until T1 depending on your power.

-Michael Skeen

Turn 8

As you come out of T7, you will hold your steering input, which takes you to the right side of the track and starts your turn for T8. You will aim at the inside wall and apex at the grass on the NASCAR apron. Try to put a wheel in the dirt here and then get ready for a big hit at the transition onto the banking.

-Michael Skeen

Turn 9

The last turn of the road course is NASCAR 3 & 4. Start all the way up against the wall, smoothly make your way down to the apron, and then back up to the wall as you come out of the banking. There are currently some white painted squares throughout the banking that you can use as references. Keep in mind that looking ahead in this corner will require looking through the top left of your windshield; if you have stickers or a windshield banner, you might need to remove it.

-Michael Skeen