Tor PoznanFrom Trackpedia
Track SummaryWeb site: Address: 62-081 Przeźmierowo, ul. Wyścigowa 3, tel. (+4861) 814 35 11 fax 868 22 68 Google Maps Address: Poznan,+Poland. Track MapWeather ForecastCurrent Conditions: Mostly Cloudy in Warsaw, POL (as of 4:00 PM 11/6/2012) Current conditions (as of 4:00 PM) Forecast for Tuesday, November 06, 2012 for Warsaw, POL Today: Showers / Clear. More information at MSN Weather IntroductionThis is a track thats received good reviews from our members. It has a road track and a kart track. The road track is 2.537 miles long. Track GuideThe follow sections describe the turns or series of turns on the race track in a step by step detail from various people who have driven the track Turn by turn guide to the Tor Poznan track Motorcycle turn by turn guide to the Tor Poznan track GPS Track Map and Vehicle DynamicsWe haven't had any data from this track yet. If you are interested in driving your car with our logger then please contact us on the forums. SchoolsTypical Lap Times
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