Thunderhill Raceway ParkFrom Trackpedia
Track SummaryWeb Site: Questions forum: Driving Thunderhill Park Raceway forum Address: 5250 State Highway 162, Willows, CA 95988 Upcoming Thunderhill Raceway Park Track Schedule
Local HotelsSupport Trackpedia by booking your hotel at the following links! Track MapWeather• Current Conditions: Clear in Willows, CA (as of 1:00 AM 8/10/2014) Current conditions (as of 1:00 AM) • Forecast for Sunday, August 10, 2014 for Willows, CA Today: Partly Cloudy. More information at MSN Weather IntroductionThis is one of the most popular club racing track in northern California. The track has grown in popularity over the last several years and is host to many NASA and SCCA club series racing. The 25 Hour of Thunderhill is held there and is the longest endurance road race in the world. The track is configurable and event organizers can choose from several configurations to run. The most typical configuration is counter-clockwise without the T5 bypass. The track was designed to run both directions, so driving clockwise is referred to as "Llihrednuht" or "Thunderhill backwards". Track GuideThe follow sections describe the turns or series of turns on the race track in a step by step detail from various people who have driven the track External Links
GPS Track Map and Vehicle DynamicsG2X Trackmap: Thunderhill Counter Clockwise Typical Lap Times
VideosVideo of Thunderhill in a Spec Ford Video of Thunderhill in a racecar Video of Thunderhill Clockwise with Bypass in a BMW M3 Video of Thunderhill, Counter-Clockwise with Bypass, NASA GTI Cup class lap record